Thursday, February 1, 2007

Money online

Putting a newspaper online is not a good money making venture. Despite the fact that advertisments can be sold on the website. But the thing is that the web is a vast land of FREE information media and often times new fads. But that is what is so grand about the web, what is online is for the most part is free.
However I do see the problem that newspapers are losing money with complete access to the news online but they knew the medium before they went online. I do not like the idea of charging for articles or archive access. It just turns people away from your website. I do understand the need to make money however I do not think that online newspapers are the place to do it.
I like the fact that the articles that the Caladonian Record has online are free. More of them would be great, but they have made an honest effort and are still incouraging the purchase of their paper. It is a step in the right direction.
I don't know exactly how to solve the problem of making money while online. But the net is a strange relatively new medium, we have to feel our way as we go along.

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